Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Antique Motor Development in Malang, Indonesia

Indonesia- Completing the bike with original parts takes time and money are not small. However, it is a pleasure activity MACI community (Motor Antique Club Indonesia) Malang. Exchange information through browsing via the Internet is one topic of conversation when the members assembled.
The roar of motorcycles broke the silence around the housing Sulfate Belle II yesterday. The faint, the roar of the exhaust sound was getting closer to the ears cried enough. His voice is distinctive, ... Brum Brum Brum ... ....
"That, my friends are here," said Wahjoedi, as host as he stood to greet the arrival of his colleagues.
A moment later, four large motorcycle with a rider dressed in black stopped at the home page Wahjoedi. Before stopping the motorcycle, the rider is rotating mengintari show of skill with the housing area.
Kayan pole is HD, which it later emerged riding the BSA (Birmingham Small Army) output 1956. By piggybacking the wife, Surtiningsih, 55, riding a motorcycle mastery Kayan not lose its style with young children.
Behind seemed Mumu, 25. Single people who go to these mobile businesses come to show her beloved motorcycle, Norton 1956. "Motor may be old, but the drivers still young at heart," said Mumu so greet Radar had a few moments waiting for their arrival this.
In addition there are bringing a child alone Hamim wayangnya, Haidar, with his wife, Erika Puji Lestari, with Matchless motorcycle output by 1956, and Lukman motorcycle type BSA. License plate written AE PW 6000.
BSA, Norton, and AJS (Jhon Adam Smith) that belongs to a type of motorcycle Wahjoedi output below the 1960's. Average CC 350, 500, and 600. Most of the British output. In Malang, there are hundreds of people who have this old bike.
They are a member of the MACI. MACI was itself founded in 1992. Usually they gather once a month with around town and exchange information. For communities in Indonesia alone, usually they met at a national jamboree was held in rotation.
In 2004 for example, MACI members gather in East Java Cultural Park. "Those present here a few of them. Because it is only the occasion: ordinary. So, who is not doing anything, please come, "said Wahyoedi FE lecturers who are also UM this.
This community while maintaining the authenticity of motorcycle parts. Parts installed in accordance years strived output and must be original. Call it belongs Wahjoedi acquired AJS 1999. A: First get in a state of incomplete. Some of the parts installed are not appropriate in the output.
Recognition Wahyoedi, artistic merit if the owner managed to find original parts. In addition, an obligation to restore the original accessories in the middle of this old love of motorcycles. "Look at this radiator. Product motor radiator Formerly Japan T-100. But now the original radiator. I can via internet browsing. I recall the price is USD 2.4 million, "he said. Part sock breaker too. Original spare parts worth USD 1.5 million chased from his fellow antique motorcycle enthusiasts.
Special, these motors after provided the original parts will be high value. The price soared compared to the time to get used to. The owners of antique motor is often receive offers from other hobbyist with a high price tag. "This my Motor (BSA) has offered 45 million. But I do not give it, because nothing is selling, "Kayan said.
He added, his motorcycle collection obtained from markets around the 1980's flea market and a price of USD 2.5 million. Already tens of millions spent for repairs and the addition of original spare parts according to year.
Many who lived experience of this bike enthusiasts. From auto parts to get a mate hunting. Experience Hamim for example, which now meets Erika istriya status of MACI. Erika is also a fan of MACI Incidentally obtained from his family.
"Almost certainly I always accompany my husband when touring. Glad that this antique motorcycle ride. Comfortable, not like motorcycles new product. Difficult to tell, "he said then laughed. When the age of three months pregnant, Erika also had cravings dibonceng her husband ride motorcycles antique. Many cities have transit accompany her husband. "Most remote touring to Makassar some time ago," he said.
However, in most communities this MACI bike is not equipped letters. "Our community really wanted to complete his letters. Our hope in the police simplify how can i get a letter, "added Wahjoedi.
The impact did not have a letter, courage menggendarai on the highway when you're together. If its own, sometimes worried because they do not have a warrant. "Fortunately antique motorcycle is not used every day. Only a certain moment, "he said Wahjoedi. (Source: Jawapos)
*) Wahjoedi or better known as Pak Wahyudi also a senior

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